What The Gym Can Teach You About Real Estate

What The Gym Can Teach You About Real Estate

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Inspiration is all around us. As a real estate investor, you are advised to learn as much as you can. After all, the most prosperous real estate investors are those that dedicate themselves to the craft. The more you know about the industry, the better position you will be in to succeed. However, sometimes it ca be difficult to gain inspiration from your daily routine. Learning something new may not be as easy as you thought. But I bet you didn’t realize that something as simple as a gym workout could provide all of the inspiration you need. In fact, there is a wealth of insight for real estate professions and executives to take away from simply making a visit to their local gym. So what are some of the real estate tips, strategies and tactics you might come across during your next workout? Can you actually take away anything about real estate just from working out?


As I am sure you are aware, the gym takes a certain amount of dedication. You will not see results over night. The same applies to the real estate industry. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you are a real estate wimp looking to bulk up, or a heavy weight champion; if you don’t keep training you won’t keep on getting more of what you want. So the next time you are at the gym, consider the time you are putting in to stay healthy. Now apply that concept to real estate. the more time you put into your business, the healthier it will be.

Knowledge + Action

Knowledge is critical, but so is action. You can know all about great dieting, but it won’t mean anything without taking action. You can also take action all the time, but may not see any results if you aren’t working smart. The same applies to investing in real estate, developing a real estate career, or building a real estate business. You’ve got to have knowledge and keep moving.

You CAN Achieve The Results You Want

You can achieve the results you want if you are willing to work for them. Bodybuilders and fitness models are just regular people. They look the way they do because they put in the work. More work than regular gym-goers. However, the only good results come from real effort. If you dedicate yourself to smart and ethical practices, your real estate efforts will be met with results. Never let anyone tell you what you can’t do.

Customer Service

A visit to the gym can reveal a lot about customer service. Depending on where you go, you are likely going to run into a gym employee. The way they treat you can teach you a lot about customer service. In fact, a first-hand perspective can be the best way to learn. It can teach a lot about training, supervision, and outfitting staff for a successful experience. The truth is that while there are a number of factors which can help real estate professionals and companies become successful, customer service can be the make or break point. Terrible service will drag down great products and ideas. Great service can make up for being less than perfect in many other ways. Take what you like about the gym service and apply it to yours. While the industry is different, customer experiences will always be the same.


Advanced athletes and fitness fanatics don’t stick to just one workout. They change things up. Routine and good habits are great. However, they also know variety, balance, and shaking it up are all crucial for gains too. To be in great health, you have to have a well-balanced (varied diet). To make gains you have to step up your workouts to blast through plateaus. In real estate this applies to marketing mix, diverse revenue streams, expansion, and more. When it comes down to it, real estate is a numbers game. The more successful marketing strategies you implement, the more leads you will gain. Try mixing things up to find out what works for you.


You can read about trends from media outlets, or you can get in the gym and witness what it really going on for yourself. Find out what everyone is talking about. Again, the same concept fits well in the real estate world. Get out and talk to people. Are they keen on refinancing? If so what types of loans are they using and why? Are they investing in real estate or moving up? If so, what are their beliefs that have spurred this action?

Another take away here is just how embedded mobile technology is in our lives. Real estate pros shouldn’t need surveys and studies to figure out how much people are plugged in to their devices today. They go everywhere with them, and are still often answered in the middle of workouts.

In summary; your local gym can be a goldmine of insight for taking your real estate results to the next level, or at least confirmation you are on the right track. Working out while you are there might even help you hit some of your own personal goals in increasing energy and meeting new people. It’s worth a visit.

– See more at: http://www.cthomesllc.com/2015/02/gym-can-teach-real-estate/#sthash.QJpOZnEG.dpufshutterstock_165038135-300x230

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